What is the best way to contact EZ Deals?
The best way to reach us is through our contact form (top right on our website). This feeds directly into our CRM and is then assigned to your assigned customer service rep (or an alternate if your primary representative is not available). Using this form does not slow down the response and it allows us to keep track of your inquiries in case you have a consistent concern or issue. Expect a response within 3 business days.
Can I change my campaign options?
Yes, we encourage testing of different discounts, prizes, creatives, etc., to get the most of your EZ Deals campaign. We allow you to change your campaign / program options and creative once each month for free.
I'm not getting any customers, what do I do?
The most common reason a client is not getting a flood of new prospects is they have either failed to promote EZ Deals at their physical location or through their site and social media. Make sure that EZ Deals banners (provided images) are added to your homepage, social media pages and that your internal staff is engaging with all prospects using the EZ Deals system. These two things plus a small but consistent social media ad spend to boost the campaign will provide the best results.
I want to change a prize, what do I do?
Contact us and let us know what your new prize will be including the odds.
Where do I get my posters printed?
You can print them yourselves or print them through EZ Deals, receiving a discount comparing apples to apples with Office Depot / Max
Can I change my type of campaign?
Yes, but you will receive a new QR Code and URL per campaign & program update. We allow you to change your campaign / program options and creative once each month for free.
I need to update my credit card, what do I do?
Just contact us and we’ll be glad to help you.